Google,tata masterminded sex racket leads to increase in teenage pregnancies, abortions in goa as top goan government employees pampering, rewarding google,tata sponsored lazy goan call girl R&AW employees, give them great powers as reward for their sex services.
It is easily and legally proved that the greatest achievement of google,tata sponsored lazy goan call girl R&AW employees slim goan handari sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, goan gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar is having sex with powerful ntro and other government employees as ordered by their pimps in google, tata, who have given them fake references to get R&Aw jobs.
However the goan government and top employees consider them to be role models in goa, giving them great powers , rewarding them, and protecting them in their crime. So many young women in goa are also following the footsteps of sunaina, siddhi, to become sex experts, for providing sex services to government employees, who can get them R&AW/cbi jobs with fake resumes, fake investment, fake online work
So this quest to become a sex expert, for getting a raw/cbi job with the help of google, tata pimps has resulted in an increase in teenage pregnancies in goa, which often result in abortions as the young women are less than 20 years old. According to a newspaper report , some young women are having an abortion at the age of 16, indicating how widespread the problem is.