NTRO,google, tata, cbi and the indian government are aware of the fact that google, tata sponsored bengaluru shivalli BRAHMIN R&AW employee cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar, wife of a tata power special electronics division employee is only looking after her house in bengaluru and does not do any work online at all, does not invest any money online
However her cruel criminal associaetes like shameless BRAHMIN FRAUDS hathwar, kodancha, ntro employee j srinivasan, light eyed domlur director puneet who got the 2005 bbm nayanshree hathwar a R&AW job falsely that the BENGALURU BRAHMIN FRAUD, who never answered JEE was his btech 1993 ee classmate contine to dupe people that the bengaluru BRAHMIN FRAUD HOUSEWIFE who has looted a google competitor is an online expert,owning the bank account of the google rival, so that she gets a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of google competitor
These cruel powerful fraud government employees promoting and pampering BENGALURU BRAHMIN FRAUD continue to steal the memory of the google competitor who they defamed ,cheated and exploited, causing insomnia, to cover up their online financial fraud, again on 29 January 2018