the Wistron Iphone factory factory labor law violations are the tip of the iceberg of the rampant labor law violations in India, with the indian internet and tech sector led by google, tata the worst in committing labor law violations, making FAKE CLAIMS of computer work for the last ten years to get call girls, robber, cheater housewives, and other frauds, who do no computer work at all monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the person who is actually doing the computer work
Then to cover up the computer work fraud , LABOR LAW violations, the fraud indian tech and internet companies, google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, security agencies especially in goa, are spreading false rumors about the mental health of the person who is actually doing all the work, to ruin the personal and professional reputation of the hardworking person
The hardworking person, like the single woman domain investor owning this website is perfectly normal and is doing all the work, yet the fraud companies led by google, tata are so desperate and ruthless in getting their call girls, relatives of top officials and bribe givers like greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel monthly government salaries without doing any computer work at all, without investing money in domains, that they continue repeating their complete lies like parrots
So when top officials and companies in indian internet sector are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING a domain investor or writer as mentally unsound, they are doing so mainly to cover up their own LABOR LAW violations, banking fraud for the last ten years, since they refuse to acknowledge the time that the person is spending doing the work daily, and are making fake claims about their relatives, friends,.