I thought that it was going to be a big deal when I heard that my new blind date was really into music. I am not into music as far as playing it or understanding notes, but I do know that music can be very powerful if you allow it to be. I believe that music can really transform your entire day if you hear a certain song and it brings back a lot of fond memories, it is like therapy for many people. My friend told me that he was a guitar junky and that he liked to play and sing a lot of different songs. I knew that it was going to be a far cry from the typical kind of guy that I would go out with on my own or someone who I may consider seeing. I knew that I had not yet found the right guy and I was starting to wonder if it was possible that I should give an opposite type of guy my time. I thought that I wasn’t doing anything good on my own in the dating department.
Because there are always friends and family members trying to get me to go out with someone they know or a friend of a friend, I thought that it would be fun to try something a little different. Many people were upset with the fact that they did not know how to get me to go out with someone they thought would be perfect for me. I was tired of trying to make everyone happy and I finally told them all that I was going to have to walk away from any more dates that they arranged. It worked out so very well in the end and I am so glad that it all worked out.