Google, tata , ntro, security agencies think that they are being very smart when they are subjecting harmless indian citizens like a google competitor, domain investor to non consensual human experiment or clinical trials like memory reading, voice to skull technology without their knowledge or permission. Companies like Facebook are also carrying out brain wave reading, however the volunteers are being paid, unlike india where citizens have their memory stolen by corporates and indian government employees
If the volunteers are paid or the memory reading is carried out with their permission, the organization can ask the volunteer to sign an agreement and the procedure will remain confidential. In case of the google competitor, since her rights are being violated, nothing will remain secret, and the domain investor is free to post any information about the non consensual clinical trials of ntro online which exposes the entire ntro network and the indian government also.
For a trained engineer, it is very easy to figure out what is happening after the initial fear and doubt has reduced.
If the domain investor was not being tortured or exploited by ntro, their process would remain confidential , however now the information is available worldwide indicating that india is treating some citizens, worse than the Nazis treated jews who were used for human experiments.