Like the army, ntro employees freelancing for google, tata have perfected the art of defaming, humiliating, cheating and exploiting indian paypal account holders,domain investors to enjoy free SEX with sex workers supplied by google, tata like Google, tata sponsored slim goan obc bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan, from panaji , jobs for their relatives and friends with fake resume, fake investment and fake online work,
So in panaji, goa as part of the google, tata masterminded SEX racket, the ntro employees in panaji, goa are putting a google competitor under surveillance whenever she is working on the computer and then falsely claiming that the Google, tata sponsored slim goan obc bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan, from panaji, who has never done any work online is doing the work online, to falsely claim that the google, tata promoyted SEX worker is an online expert, to waste indian tax payer money to pay for sex services provided by sunaina to NTRO,CBi, security agency employee
Surveillance and financial records will prove that Google, tata sponsored slim goan obc bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan, from panaji has never done any work online, and has never invested any money online yet google,tata, ntro, cbi are ruthless in defaming, humiliating the google competitor who had a better 1989 JEE rank than google ceo sundar pichai, pampering and rewarding the VVIP Google, tata sponsored slim goan obc bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan,2013 bsc from panaji with thick black hair
The NTRO employees led by j srinivasan who are infatuated with the Google, tata sponsored slim goan obc bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan, from panaji are again using brain wave reading and voice to skull technology to humiliate the google competitor. So whenever she will see a samsung s8 ad, they will repeat Samsung s8 to show that samsung pampers goan prostitute sunaina chodan, goan obc bhandari SEX worker R&AW employees falsely believing the the lies of sunaiana’s SEX partners, sugar daddies like j srinivasan that the sex worker owns this website and other domain names where her sex news is being posted.
In reality Google, tata sponsored slim goan obc bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan, from panaji , goa with thick hair does not do any work online, does not invest any money online , sunaina is only interested in having SEX with powerful men, yet NTRO employees continue to pamper and promote the SEX worker as they NTRO under the guidance of j srinivasan changes its name to STRO, national SEX trade rumors organization of india
This is another example of how memory reading, voice to skull technology is being used by ntro to humiliate and make harmless citizens angry to ruin their health. A program is used by ntro to send the voice to skull messages after analyzing the brain wave patterns of the victim, to intentionally make the person angry and slowly ruin his or her health, to help google destroy competition. Documenting the torture process can help reduce the stress and clarify that Google, tata sponsored slim goan obc bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan, from panaji is only hired for by the indian government for SEX, she does no work online , does not invest any money online and is not an online expert
why does the pampered R&AW employee sex worker sunaina, not spend her time and money online, why does she offer sex bribes to officials who then abuse their powers to make fake claims